Another dedication cross today, this on the second of the two Southern Gentlemen who came out together on their quest to BE ART. He also has strong feelings for his wife and daughters, evidenced by the initials in the thistle flowers twined into the base of the cross. But his identity, as a proud Scotsman well known for kilt-wearing and enthusiastic drinking of the water of life, is shown by the placement of the soccer ball in the center with the Scottish St Andrew's saltire flag pattern draped around the ball. He is a soccer goalie, and the gloves he wears are up cradling the ball... so just like his best friend, he presented me with a major challenge to somehow incorporate all the symbolism he required into this one tattoo. Now we've done it, and he flies back with a permanent souvenir, and I have memories of several days and many meals with two exemplars of Southern courtesy and charm.
Scottish Soccer Celtic Cross Tattoo by Pat Fish