The silhouette of a raven in flight is superimposed on the triple spiral design from the 6,000 year old Newgrange megalithic mound in Ireland. I rendered the spirals in individual dots, the way they were pecked into the stone surface in the tomb.
'Spiral Whirlpool' Celtic Tattoo Design
Any sea-going culture has myths about the awe-inspiring potential of whirlpools, like the Greek Charybdis, a sea-monster in the Strait of Messina encountered by Jason and the Argonauts. This design captures the whirl in a magical Celtic ring made of knots, to bind the energy as a force for good. .
'Spiral Whirlpool' Celtic Tattoo by Pat Fish
Celtic Motherhood Growing Heart Tattoo
Three years ago this young mother came to get this tattoo, and we added a tiny shamrock within the knotwork heart motherhood symbol to represent her daughter. Now, with the birth of her second daughter, she returned for a new tattoo and a wee addition to this one, so that both her daughters are now in her heart, on her body, in her growing family.
Celtic Marriage Knot Tattoo Design
Through all the twists and turns of a marriage that lasts the years, the knot represents two lives inextricably entwined.