Celtic Magic Cat Tattoo Design

Languid and dismissive, cats lie about all day in a tangle because they can! The Celts loved their cats, and like them they reckoned their calendar by nights, not days.

Celtic Cross Sea Turtle Tattoo Design

The sea turtle travels the world's seas, just as the spirit of the Irish has spread to all the continents. Here a Celtic cross knot work forms a shield of faith on the shell of the reptile.

Celtic Guardian Band Tattoo Design

In every society there have always been those who take it upon themselves to be guardians. Of the land, the society, and of those weaker and in need of protection. It is appropriate that the strong be marked with a visible celebration of their courage. This band is composed of patterns taken from the 9th century manuscript the Book of Kells.

Celtic tattoo armband

Lily Tattoo with Belt Design

That most feminine and attractive of tattoos, reminiscent of the jewelry on a dancing girl's skirt; a waist belt of lily flowers encircles the charms of this woman.

photo of tattoo of woman’s waist with lilies