Metatrons Cube Tattoo with Sacred Design

The beautiful alchemical symbol of Metatron's cube is an example of sacred geometry, built of intersecting and carefully placed circles in a hexagonal pattern. Metatron is an Angel, whose name translates to "Beyond Matrix."

Celtic Triskle Shield Tattoo Design

A swirling interlocking balance of forms, this open triskle design has the bold energy of tribal tattooing with the symmetric beauty of Celtic knotwork.

Celtic Battlefield Raven Tattoo Design

A strong and ominous tribute to the power of the Morrigan, the goddess who removed the souls of slain warriors from the battlefield.

Long Body Armor Celtic Sleeve Tattoo Design

The longest in the series of sleeve knotwork patterns, this one is proportioned to stretch from the wrist over the elbow area and join up with an armband. Previous to this design all the full body part arm filling knot works left the elbow and "ditch" of the arm blank, but these clients asked for and received a much longer extended pattern, formed from nine separate blocks of knots completely interwoven. It gives the appearance of an arm covered in chain mail.