Shield Raven Tattoo with Celtic Design

The mighty war bird of the Celts was the raven, poised here in a spread-eagle-like posture of defiance. Embellished with Celtic knots in the wings.

Pictish V-Rod Crescent Tattoo Design

The V-Rod crescent is a Pictish symbol said to represent a time of harmony, when the swords of war have been broken and peace reigned in the land. It is the most frequently carved image in the standing stones of 5th c Scotland.

Pictish Pictograms Tattoo Design

A set of Pictish Pictograms. The top image is the V-Rod and Crescent, one of the most frequently found symbols on the ancient Pictish carved standing stones in Scotland. The creature below is the Ardross wolf. Mysterious and evocative art from the 5th century.

Spiral Shield Tattoo with Celtic Circles

This pattern combines the two forms of spirals that are the most important stylistic element in Celtic art. The spiral built of two elements is akin to the yin-yang pattern in Eastern cultures, representing dualism, black and white, yes and no. But the triple spiral is the Celtic way, it allows for black, white and grey........ yes, no and maybe. Because in the shape-shifting world of the mists, things are not so clearly divided.