Celtic Hummingbird Tattoo Design

The splendidly delightful tiny jewel of the skies, the ruby-throated hummingbird, is rendered in Celtic knot work, to make a tattoo of unique charm.

Stone Pictish Boar Tattoo Design

The original Pictish stone carving on which this boar tattoo is based is housed in the antiquities museum in Edinburgh, Scotland. Rendering it with dots, as shown, brings out the sense of it having been pecked into the stone.

Skibbereen Celtic Cross Tattoo Desi

Based on an equal-armed cross found on a grave in the tiny Irish West Cork town of Skibbereen, this bold pattern is reproducible at many sizes. The negative-space background area can be black or done in any color, bringing the symmetrical knot work to the forefront.

Eleven Star Tattoo with Celtic Charm

At this time of year the celebration of St Patrick's Day brings all things Irish to mind. In my tattoo work I stretch the boundaries of what might constitute preconceptions about what a Celtic tattoo might be.

The lucky number eleven is here represented in a powerful and permanent tattoo design. In a feat of technical virtuosity, this eleven-pointed star is one continuous line weaving back to source.