Today a man who is graduating from the Sheriff's Academy got this tattoo as a present from his wife. It represents the essence of the two sides of the work of the police. A good officer must be a well trained and willing dog, part of the team, eager to follow orders from superior officers, unquestioning of the hierarchy. But he must also be able to think on his paws like a wolf, and it will be that alert awareness that helps him make fast decisions in times of danger. In this design they are united.
Celtic 'Canine Infinity' Band Tattoo by Pat FIsh
Both dogs and wolves are subspecies of Canis lupus. The one lives to grace our hearth, the other to haunt our dreams. The one represents fidelity and the most loyal of servants. the other the force of the wild nature we wish to tame. This design is a classic meeting of the two sides of canine nature, as an infinity symbol, Möbius band of duality.
The pattern for this tattoo is available for purchase and immediate download at: