The other day I finished up a forearm half sleeve on one of our nation's quiet heroes, a man who is on the front lines of the war against drugs and violence in the mean streets of the inner city. The boldness of the Celtic knot work gives him a powerful gauntlet of intricate weaves with the star pattern conforming to the musculature. It is an adaptation of the pattern shown below that was originally designed for a leg. An interesting exercise, to see the same design and how it can be morphed to cover different body parts.
To read more about how this kind of custom sleeve tattoo is accomplished, visit the Full Knotwork Sleeves page.
Celtic 'Hero' Knotwork Forearm Sleeve Tattoo by Pat Fish
The original pattern shown in two views, fitted to fill the the calf of a hero in the fight against disease and ignorance.
Celtic 'Hero' Knotwork Leg Tattoo by Pat Fish