Today an ambitious man got a 5th wedding anniversary gift from his loving wife: several tattoos! He came knowing exactly which bands he wanted, and where he wanted them put, and had enough stamina to last through the all-day session it took to finish the job.
Three Celtic Band Tattoos by Pat Fish
Here is a close-up of the pre-existing middle band which needed a rebuild. In his time in the Marines he got his dog tag tattooed in a gap in a Celtic band. (partially pixilated here to preserve his anonymity) but the text was floating in space and the band was blurred. I boxed the text, relined the band, put a green in the background and a bit of white in the weave to make it more crisp. Then we moved on to installing the two new bands. Oorah!
Existing Celtic Band Tattoo TuneUp by Pat Fish
Each of these band designs is available in the LuckyFish Art Tattoo Flash Store:
Celtic 'Defender Band' Tattoo: